They Pull Me Back In

Studio: VRHush | Duration: 57 min | Starring: Jasmine Wilde
Studio: VRHush | Duration: 57 min
Starring: Jasmine Wilde

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You broke things off with your ex-girlfriend, VR Porn cutie Jasmine Wilde a few months ago for this other chick. She knew you would be back though. No one can give it to you as she can. Only she knows everything you like. Jasmine Wilde knows she has a deep connection with you and really enjoys watching you squirm with her every touch. So, she has been laying low and waiting for your text. In fact, she has been expecting it. Lo and behold she finally got what she has been waiting for. You texted her and asked her to come over because you miss her so much. You miss her smile. Her touch. Her taste. When Jasmine Wilde walks through the door her scent engulfs your senses. Your heartbeat drops, and you feel a sense of calm. You realize you made a mistake, but Jasmine Wilde is ready to welcome you back with open arms.

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