The Right Size

Studio: DarkRoomVR | Duration: 33 min | Starring: Brenda Santos
Studio: DarkRoomVR | Duration: 33 min
Starring: Brenda Santos

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All Brenda Santos wants is to play for her college basketball team. She is a really talented player and is determined to live out her dream. When she goes to see the coach, Brenda is crushed when he tells her that she is just too short to play at the college level. She pleads her case, offering to show him her highlight reel to prove that she can play, but he replies by breaking out a tape measure to prove his point. She just doesn’t measure up. The news is crushing to Brenda who drops to her knees and literally begs him to reconsider. In this VR porn video, she tells her coach that she is willing to do anything to be on the team.

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