Medical Checkup: Katie Kush & Beca Barbie

Studio: PornCornVR | Duration: 61 min | Starring: Beca Barbie & Katie Kush
Studio: PornCornVR | Duration: 61 min
Starring: Beca Barbie & Katie Kush

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You knew it would be a wonderful day when your stunning nurse, Beca Barbie, entered your office telling you that Katie Kush was waiting for you in the hall to get a check-up. First of all, your gorgeous nurse was worth spending time admiring the beauty of her face and body. Yes, she wears a uniform at work, but it’s so tight and tiny that it doesn’t hide an inch of her fantastic curves. Beautiful Katie Kush is another reason to enjoy the day; she is hot-looking and very sexy. So, you told your nurse you were ready to welcome the stunning patient into your office. Once she walked through the door, you knew what her issue was. Of course, you asked her about her problems because you were a doctor after all. Soon you started the treatment right there in the office. You lay down on the check-up table, got rid of your pants, and gave both your sexy patient and your stunning nurse total access to your dick. Yes. You know there are tons of pills and ointments to ease different problems, but you still think that a hard cock is the best remedy. Sure, you never miss a chance to enjoy a threesome right at the workplace. Grab your virtual reality headset and experience Medical Checkup: Katie Kush & Beca Barbie vr porn from PornCornVR for free.

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