Maid Seduced To Fucking

Studio: 3DPickUp | Duration: 37 min | Starring: Callie Black
Studio: 3DPickUp | Duration: 37 min
Starring: Callie Black

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You have hired Callie Black, a maid, to clean your place each week and today she shows up early. You are still in bed with morning wood. You get brilliant idea and ask if she could clean in the nude. She is hesitant to do so but as soon as she tries to make the bed she sees your hard nice cock, she changes her mind. Her clothes start coming off and she wants to clean your cock too. No only question is how she does it. With her hand, lips or her pussy? One thing for certain, there is more of a mess to clean up at the end. Enjoy this video as pass-through for even more intimate experience.

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